Gamers worried th?t shallow social games w?ll take over th? industry appear t? h??? a champion ?n Shadows ?f th? Damned director Massimo Guarini. In a post t? h?? blog today, Guarini urged developers t? n?t g?t sidetracked b? buzzwords l?k? ?social,? ?freemium,? ?nd ??n-app ??r?h????? ?nd instead maintain th??r focus ?n ?r??t?ng ????ll?nt content.
Ovosonico h?? a stated goal ?f ?r??t?ng ?original, unconventional, ?nd artistically crafted? games.
?Excited ?? l?ttl? kids, w? ?r? literally distracting both users ?nd investors away fr?m th? core ?f ??r industry, ?n favor ?f ?n obsessive ?nd simplistic analysis ?f ??m? business development trends,? Guarini wrote. ?Ultimately, ?t?s ?ll ?b??t th? content. Th?t?s wh?t ??r customers ?r? paying f?r.?
Guarini ???d th?t shallow social games r?n th? risk ?f undermining th? future ?f th? game industry b?????? once th? novelty ?f immediate reward wares ?ff, th?r? won?t b? anything t? keep players around.
And even though Shadows ?f th? Damned proved t? n?t b? a stand-out commercial success, Guarini argued th?t high-quality original content ?? th? secret t? lasting success.
?Original, quality content ?? wh?t w?ll eventually maximize ???r studio?s success rate ?nd sustainability, over time,? h? continued. ?And th?? ?? wh?t counts ?n a business. Th?? ?? wh?t m?k?? ??? stand out wh?n talking t? investors.?
Released t? critical acclaim ?n 20011, Shadows ?f th? Damned t?ld th? ?t?r? ?f Garcia Hotspur, wh? goes ?n a trip t? hell t? save h?? tr?? l???, Paula. H?? travelling companion ?n th? road through hell ?? a foul-mouthed demonic skull named Johnson th?t ??n morph ?nt? a variety ?f guns b?t ?? ?l?? effective ?? a torch. It w?? developed ?t Suda 51?s Grasshopper Manufacture studio ?n conjunction w?th Resident Evil director Shinji Mikami.
Guarini?s n?w studio, Ovosonico, currently h?? n? announced projects.
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