Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Video: Voting patterns in the ?five Ohios?

>> and let's do a deeper dive on the state of ohio , with us for that, our political director chief white house correspondent, chuck todd . and chuck, i know it is kind of popular in the political business to say ohio , which is such is interesting territory has given us eight american presidents , after all is more like five states, in and of itself.

>> reporter: they joke about it. it is the five ohios. so let's break it down, here it is cold country, and you see from the 2008 county map, of course the map that president obama won. you see he did well up there in the northeast part of the state. but even made some inroads here in cold country. this is where romney is expected to do really well. then you have this part here in northeastern ohio , this is where cuyahoga county and where democrats get a majority of their vote when they're doing well, or even when they're not doing well. it all comes out of here. that is sort of the second ohio , then we have the auto belt here, if you will. think akron, toledo, a lot of the areas bucking up against michigan. and then the two swing areas, the fastest growing part of the state which is the columbus area, growing in population, frankly while the rest of the state is shrinking. and finally, cincinnati, swinging the most, 2004 , bush carried cincinnati, 2008 , obama carried it. that is how it works. and watch how they put the math together tomorrow night. the real issue is the auto belt, why mitt romney is coming back to cleveland tomorrow because he has been under-performing with basically working class white guy guys. think of the ones working in the plants, the president has been doing well with white men in ohio than he has all over the country. and it is why the president is performing well in ohio , more than mitt romney or any other generic republican would, when you think about the demographics of ohio .

>> all right, chuck todd , the one prize tomorrow that could actually be like five states,

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/49702417/

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