Friday, August 10, 2012

What's the best iPhone app you ever bought?

During a recent iMore show, I was asked to name the best iPhone app I ever bought and it really made me stop and think. When you take free apps out of the equation, and you start to consider what gave you the most enjoyment or stress-relief, or provided the greatest value to your education or business, or made the time you spent with your loved ones, traveling or at home, just that much more special -- when you consider what gave you the most value for your money, it really can be hard to choose just one.

But that's what I'm asking you to do!

Whether it was a $0.99 app that distracted you at just the right time and made you smile when you needed it most, or a $1.99 app that helped you find what or where you absolutely had to find, a $2.99 or $3.99 app that keeps track of things so your already busy brain doesn't have to, or launches things in a way that saves you a ton of time, or a $4.99 app that saved you $$$ on your bills or taxes, or even a $19.99 or higher priced app that helps you get things done on a daily and yearly basis, I'm asking you to think back over all the amazing apps you've bought and share with the iMore community the one that's meant the most to you.

I know what my answer is now, and I'll share it on the next show... along with some of the best of yours!

So think about it and tell me -- what's the best -- paid! -- iPhone app you ever bought?


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